According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, traumatic brain injuries, or TBI’s, are the leading cause of death and disability in the United States. It is recorded that over 1.7 million Americans suffer from a traumatic brain injury annually. TBI’s can come about from all types of circumstances, including car accidents, workplace accidents and even casual slips and falls. Injuries resulting in TBIs not only affect individuals, but can also have long-term effects on families and communities.
TBI symptoms can be very subtle, and therefore, they are not always noticeable, even to the victim. It can take time for a person to recognize his symptoms and can be tough to diagnose. If you have been in an accident of any type, it is crucial that you obtain proper testing to make sure that you have not missed a brain injury.
If you or a loved one suffered a traumatic brain injury that resulted in any physical injuries, emo-tional distress, or even death, our team of certified attorneys are here to help hold any negligent parties responsible. At The Ash Legal Group, we have the experience you need, and the results that you are looking for!
Talk To Our Skilled Attorneys Today at (877) 715-2944
A brain injury can be defined as damage to the brain, which results in an impairment of physical functioning or cognitive abilities. A TBI is caused by external physical force.
Standard Symptoms of Brain injuries:
– Fatigue
– Headaches
– Lack of Balance/Dizziness
– Memory Loss
– Sleep Disturbances
– Poor Concentration
– Swift Mood Changes
– Nausea
– Loss of Smell
– Sensitivity to Light and Sounds
Many times, it can take time for a number of the symptoms of a brain injury to develop and be-come obvious to a person. The process is often gradual, and that is why many people don’t in-itially recognize the severity of their injury.
If you suspect a brain injury, you should:
1) Receive professional medical care and attention
2) Track and monitor your symptoms (Note any major or minor changes)
3) Schedule consistent check-ups with your doctor
4) Gather all evidence from the accident (include any medical documents and receipts)
5) Discuss your case with a licensed attorney you can trust
To discuss your case with our team of legal experts, call The Ash Legal Group at (877) 715-2944. We offer free, comprehensive, no-obligation consultations.